Typescript optional chaining and ESLint `no-unused-expressions`

Typescript 3.7 introduced the long awaited optional chaining syntax.

The short gist is that this

const foo = bar && bar.tea && bar.tea.cup;

can now simply be

const foo = bar?.tea?.cup;

When using the commonly enabled ESLint rule no-unused-expressions, however, this can lead to false positives:

// ^^^^^^^^^^
// Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. eslint(no-unused-expressions)

Luckily, Typescript releases enhanced ESLint rules under @typescript-eslint. To use the TS version of the same rule, turn the original one off, and enable the extended one in your .eslintrc:

'no-unused-expressions': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions': 'error',

The above snippet now passes lint as expected.